Mi Dios, mi Todo

portada miDiosmiTodoMy God, My All

“He who sings, prays twice,” said St. Augustine. Christmas is the perfect time for both singing and praying. Here, we offer you a compilation of Christmas carols so that you can draw closer to the manger. There is so much to say to the Child Jesus and so many who are in need of our prayers.


Note: Most of the tracks are in Spanish


CD - 10 €


MP3 - 5 €

To download the mp3’s, click on the button below.  After paying you will be able to download a zip file with 10 mp3 tracks. The minimum  is 5 Euro, but each person can decide if he/she would like to donate more.



Download and donate in Dollars



Download and donate in Euros


You can download a PDF with the lyrics (in spanish) here.


Track titles

1. En esta Navidad (This Christmas)
2. Mi Dios, mi todo (My God, My All)
3. Qué alegría tienen los pobres! (What Joy the Poor Have!)
4. Palabra Eterna (Eternal Word)

5. El secuestro (The Kidnapping)
6. Cómo me hubiera gustado estar allí (I Would Have Liked to Have Been There)
7. Rubor en tu rostro (The Glow of Your Face)
8. Ha nacido por ti y por mi (He Was Born for You and Me)
9. Silent Night
10. Lucero Brillante (Bright Star)

How can I help?

Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, up until now we have been able to continue our evangelization through the media. The needs, however, are growing and many times there are unexpected expenses due to maintenance, the purchasing of new machines, etc.

Click here for more information.